Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 13: Clear

Security risks are a very scary thing for computer users, especially those that work on confidential information for example, like the IRS (since tax day is approaching :-)). It is possible that all the information on your computer could be "hacked" by a hacker. The term hacker used to have a good meaning, now it is referred to as an unpleasant one. A hacker, or cracker, is a person that breaks into a computer. Some hackers now create virus's (programs that damage files mostly through email), worms (programs which duplicates itself multiple times making your computer run slower), and Trojan horses (which is non-replicating but acts like it is useful while letting unauthorized access to your computer). Security breaches happen most often through this hazardous viruses and cause huge risks for you and your computer. Not only could you loose all the data which your computer holds, but, it could also fall into the wrong hands and cause serious infractions for either a business or ones personal life.

It is strongly suggested that you use a anti-virus software on any computer you may use. not only if it is holding sensitive data but any kind of data that would be harmful if was linked, i.e., online banking information. You can purchases anti-virus software online or buy it in stores to bring home and upload to your computer. I use McAfee,, but there are a ton of different types out there. Also, I suggest backing up your data on a flash drive, CD, or whatever you prefer so that if your data is lost of destroyed you always have a copy readily available.

*The Picture is of "The Beast" a type of Windows-based backdoor Trojan horse

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